How to write songs and make money from them in The Sims 4

    How to write songs and make money from them in The Sims 4

    The life you live in The Sims 4 can be completely
    tailored to your skills and needs. There are countless activities that your sim can
    do to improve, whether for money or just a growing hobby
    their competence. For the musically gifted people, here's how to write a song in the
    Sims 4.

    Before your sim can write their songs, there's
    is going to be a lot of practice in your future. You can't expect them to
    just grab a microphone and be the next superstar. Even after reaching the
    appropriate level, it takes 12 hours to write a song before you can get a license and
    make money out of it.

    To get started, just practice using any instrument. If you
    have different DLC packs, you will even be able to have instruments of those
    packs to practice. Anything your sim has at home will work. Make sure you
    practice your instrument in public places. In doing so, you can play for
    advice, which contributes to your practice, but can also earn money for
    invoices. Keep practicing with them until they reach level eight with this

    When you reach level eight, you can start writing songs. When
    you write a song with an instrument, there will be a sheet music in your sims
    inventory so you don't have to write it all down in one sitting. Fair
    select it to pick up where you left off.

    When you reach level nine, you can finally authorize this song
    for money. Use the mailbox to license a song. He's gonna play for a week and get
    you between 200 and 800 simoleons every morning at 10am. Each instrument can
    have only one licensed song at a time, so to earn even more money
    will have to practice each instrument up to level nine.

    If your sim has a desire for creativity, you can become a muser. When your sim is inspired, they will increase their skill gains by 40% while improving their creative skills. Use it to speed up level nine of your instruments in order to earn more money.

    Related: How To Make Money Fast In The Sims 4

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