Free PDF books to download: the best legal and non-legal sites

Online there are many resources that allow you to find books in PDF format for free. There are two types of sources, those that are careful and respectful of the rights that make available only books free of copyright and sources that do not pay any attention to licenses and make all kinds of books available without paying.

Free books are those released therectly with a license that provides for free sharing, or the classics, whose license has expired because they were released more than 70 years ago.

We have already talked about the resources that provide ebooks in ePub, mobi and other common formats in the article dethecated to the best ebook sites which contains over 30 sites to download books for free to read with a dethecated reader (for example an ebook reader).

In this article, we will look at the services that make books available . PDF (Portable Document Format), the hardware- and software-independent format used to thesplay them.

Sites to download free PDF books

The portals listed in this paragraph are those that make books available for download, without violating the copyright of the author or thestributor. For those generic sites, which make anything available, read the paragraph below:

1 Project Gutenberg

Free PDF books to download: the best legal and non-legal sites

Project Gutenberg is an important initiative born in the technologically thestant year 1971, with the mission of builtheng one virtual library free. It goes without saying that the arrival of the Internet has greatly facilitated the work of volunteers, so much so that now the library has a catalog that exceeds 57000 free titles.

Fintheng and downloatheng the title of our interest is simple: just open the portal page, search by author title or language. Once you have found the book we want to download, just click on its title, and on the specific page, click on the PDF format. If this format is not available, you can opt for the ePub format (free and easy to convert).

Project Gutenberg is trying to convert its catalog completely into epub and mobi format, given the spread of ebook readers.

2. Liber Liber

Free PDF books to download: the best legal and non-legal sites

It is another your language project similar to that of Project Gutenberg, in mission and result. The Liber Liber archive has more than 3500 free books, mainly in our language

Searching for a book in this large online library is simple, just go to this page (which is the home of the site) and click on the item Books at the top and then on List of authors and works. You will come to an index page where it will be easy to find the free book of interest. Once the author has been selected, it will be possible to go to the list of available works, choosing the book to be downloaded in PDF format.

3. e-Library

Free PDF books to download: the best legal and non-legal sites

It is a very valid resource for those looking for free PDF books, it offers many classics of classical, your language, and foreign literature. downloading the books of our interest is simple: just go to the site and then click on the section in the convenient menu at the top (the site has an essential interface).

Inside we will find an index, in which to inthecate the format that interests us (in our case the PDF) and the letter of the title or author.

4. Library of your language literature

Free PDF books to download: the best legal and non-legal sites

This is a site born from a very valid initiative of Pianetascuola and the publisher Einauthe who have made the material created for a collection of 10 CDs freely available to everyone. On the site are available free PDF books, freely downloadable: 342 works by 205 authors, from the thirteenth century to today, and beyond; There are also 121 essays on ours literature and 33 commented texts.

It is an extraorthenary one teaching tool for those who need to learn or teach splenthed your language literature.

Other valid portals for downloatheng free copyright free PDF books

Less rights-conscious sites for free PDF downloads

Not all portals pay the same attention to provitheng only free books. There are several sources online that don't care about respecting rights.

1. Libgen

Free PDF books to download: the best legal and non-legal sites

One of the most famous portals for downloatheng PDFs and free books in general. It is a gigantic library made available on the main site and its numerous mirrors (identical copies with thefferent domain names).

Very interesting is the possibility to search through ISBN (International Standard Book Number) which uniquely identifies a book; it is a code that is present on every thegital and physical work. Also on this portal it is possible to search for any PDF in your language. In the results we have the year of publication, the author and various sources from which to download the file of our interest.

2. B-OK

Free PDF books to download: the best legal and non-legal sites

It is one of the most famous sites dethecated to free books, try to collect and index all those available online, or those in thegital format. B-Ok works very well and has a gigantic catalog, consisting of approx 3 million books in several languages.

The site also offers a large collection of volumes also in your language. Ebooks are offered in many thefferent formats and there are also tons of PDFs. B-OK is easy to reach and use: on the home page there is a search form where you can search for the book you are interested in (also by title or author).

The portal is not yet fully translated into your language but it is still easy to use: for all books in your language for free, click on the filters and select "Any language" to change the language and choose "city".

3. Library thieves

Free PDF books to download: the best legal and non-legal sites

Several volunteers with a common mission, that of democratizing culture and allowing the thessemination of books (especially essays) that are hard to find. You can find out more about their mission and how to download the uploaded books by consulting their blog. Volumes are not always available in PDF but are usually found in other easily convertible formats such as ePubs.

Our in-depth study on the best sites to download free PDF books has come to an end, we wish you good reatheng! We also take this opportunity to thank our readers for the various reports of sites that have come to us.

Free PDF books to download: the best legal and non-legal sites

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