How to access Google Drive on Linux

Unfortunately Google does not allow you to use its cloud storage service on Linux. For this, users need to take advantage of an alternative solution in addition to the classic Web application. In this new tutorial today, therefore, we will explain how to access google drive on linux using a free software called Open Drive.

Open Drive: what it is

For those who do not know him, Open drive is one of the best free applications on the square that allow you to access the cloud storage platform of the Mountain View giant using a very simple and intuitive interface. Of course, as you can imagine, in order to use the software you need to have a account Google. If you don't have one, you can create it via the dedicated page on the official website.

How to install Open Drive on Linux

Officially, Open drive it is available for Ubuntu and Debian via the DEB package and Fedora and OpenSUSE via the RPM package. However, the program can be installed on other Linux distributions through the Snap package or the AppImage. Below, you will find the instructions to follow according to the distro installed on your computer.

Ubuntu / Debian

To obtain the DEB package software, open the terminal and navigate to the cartella tmp through command cd / tmp. In the next step, use lo Wget tool to download the latest version of Open Drive: wget

At the time of this article's publication, the latest release available is 0.2.2. However, we advise you to refer to the official page on GitHub and copy the address of the package DEB of the latest version identifiable through the badge Latest release (the links are present in the section Assets).

Once you have successfully downloaded the package inside the cartella tmp, used dpkg to installare Open Drive on your Ubuntu / Debian PC by running the command sudo dpkg -i odrive_x.x.x_amd64.deb.deb. Finally, complete the installation with sudo apt install -f.


Fortunately, the developer of this software has made available a RPM package for all Linux - based operating systems RedHat (therefore also for Fedora). To download it from the GitHub, use the tool DNF and then install it.

sudo dnf install -y


Also for OpenSUSE you can use the same RPM package to install the management software of Google Drive. First, open the terminal and move the session to cartella tmp through command cd / tmp.

Once this is done, use the tool Wget to download the latest version of the RPM package by running the command wget

Once the file is downloaded, install Open Drive with sudo zypper install odrive-0.2.2.x86_64.RPM.


If you have a Linux distribution other than those listed above or are looking for a quick fix for installare Open Drive, then you can take advantage of the Snap package available from Snap Store.

Before seeing the command to use, however, you need to enable the Snap runtime on yours computer Linux. If you don't know how to do it, follow the instructions in our dedicated tutorial attached below.

Once this is done, open the terminal and use the command sudo snap install odrive-unofficial.

Alternatively, you can install theapp Snap Store on your PC and look for it inside. Also in this case we offer you an ad hoc guide in which we explain how to do it.


If your Linux distro doesn't support Snap installation, then you can use the file AppImage which can be run on virtually any Linux operating system. That said, open up the terminal and create a new folder called AppImage through command mkdir -p ~ / AppImage.

Once this is done, move the session within it with cd ~ / AppImage and execute it Wget tool to download the latest release of the AppImage file through the command wget

Once this is done, you can start Open drive by running the two commands below in the terminal:

chmod + x OpenDrive.0.2.2.AppImage


Alternatively, simply double-click on the file AppImage to open the software.

How to access Google Drive on LinuxHow to access Google Drive on Linux 2">

How to access Google Drive on Linux

After installing successfully Open Drive, you will finally have the opportunity to access Google Drive and all files saved on it. To start the synchronization, first open the application from the app menu and then perform the setup and authentication to the service by clicking on the button Next.

At this point, press on arrow pointing right in green to log in to yours Google account by entering e-mail address or mobile number and password. In the next step, a default location will be specified on your computer where the files will be downloaded from Drive.

If you want to change the folder, just click on the button KATEGORIEN (in the section Folder Rental) and specify the path using the Linux. Once this is done, click on Synchronize to download the files. To access the folder in question, follow the path / home / username / snap / odrive-unofficial / 2 / Google Drive /.

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