Windows 10: Anyone Can Now Hack A PC, It's Easy!

Windows 10: Anyone Can Now Hack A PC, It's Easy!

The more time passes, the more the hackers redouble their ingenuity to hack PCs. Particularly alarming is a new report from HP Wolf Security: Just days after zero-day vulnerabilities were discovered, all-in-one, easy-to-use programs appeared on hacker forums. So even beginners can indulge in hacking.

Credit: Unsplash

In its new report, HP Wold Security examines new techniques developed by hackers. To do this, the company is taking the example of la faille zero-day CVE-2021-40444, which made it possible in early September to infiltrate a PC using a Microsoft Office document. The breach was quickly sealed, but that didn't stop cybercriminals from exploiting it. Even more worrying, it is no longer necessary to be a hacking cador to take advantage of vulnerabilities in applications.

Barely a few days after the flaw was discovered, programs to exploit it surfaced on dedicated forums. These allow a few clicks to infiltrate a PC, and this, without the victim realizing it. All you have to do is send it an infected file and invite it to open it. As a result, there is no need for overdeveloped computer or programming skills to steal confidential data and other compromising information on the victim's terminal.

PC hacking is democratizing

These scripts, particularly easy to use, appeared four days before the deployment of a patch by Microsoft. Suffice to say that hackers, amateurs or not, have had all the time necessary to target their victims. Especially since many companies, mainly concerned by the phenomenon, have not yet installed the patch deployed by Microsoft, thus still remaining vulnerable to attacks.

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If you haven't already done so, we obviously advise you to download the latest windows update. Unfortunately, this will not prevent hackers from finding new techniques to circumvent security measures. In recent times, a new trend has emerged in particular among hackers. They no longer hesitate to use various cloud storage services, such as OneDrive, to host their malicious scripts. Without counting on the new formats of malware, in JavaScript or HTA, which pass unnoticed in email attachments.

Source : HP Wolf Security

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