How to cancel pre-orders on the Nintendo Switch eShop

How to cancel pre-orders on the Nintendo Switch eShop

In the past, Nintendo was notorious for not allowing refunds for those who pre-ordered a game. This is mainly due to payments made directly after ordering the title. Well, after a strong backlash, the gaming giant has turned the tide and will allow users to cancel pre-orders on Nintendo Switch. Of course, for anything related to a refund, there are some restrictions that you will need to be aware of before attempting this.

Am I eligible to cancel my pre-order?

Starting September 1, 2020, Nintendo will allow users to cancel their pre-orders, but only up to one week before a game officially launches. This ultimately means transactions will only be completed seven days before release. of the game, because the payments withdrawn cannot be refunded. In turn, this also considers that games pre-ordered within the week are not eligible for cancellation. Unfortunately, titles that were pre-ordered prior to the September 1 implementation also cannot be canceled.

How to cancel a pre-ordered title on your Nintendo Switch

With this new update, those eligible for cancellation will find it a snap. If you are on your console, you will need to return to the eShop. Once there, click on your avatar image in the upper right corner. This will take you to the Account Info menu where you will see the option to withdraw preorders in the lower left corner of the screen. Once complete, you are always free to pre-order this title again if you change your mind at any time before its release.

How to cancel a pre-ordered title from a browser

If you don't have your console handy, you can also do so from any internet browser. You will need to sign in from Nintendo's Site, so make sure you know your sign-in information.

Next, click on your avatar in the upper right corner, near the search bar. You will need to go to the Settings tab, once the prompt opens. On the left side of the settings menu, tap the “Shop Menu” icon. From there, scroll down to your payment options and you should see a clickable link titled “Your Preorders”. Once there, canceling each can be done in seconds.

Keep in mind that you will lose any Gold Points earned by pre-ordering the item and will no longer have access to any bonuses that may come with the pre-ordered edition.

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