How to fix winhttp.dll was not found error on Windows

In the following guide you will learn all about how to fix winhttp.dll not found error in Windows, an error which, although rare, tends to occur on certain occasions.

Il file winhttp.dll

The winhttp.dll file refers to Microsoft Windows HTTP Services, also known as WinHTTP. This is a Windows feature that provides a powerful interface for controlling servers.

WinHTTP is a tool used directly primarily by the staff managing the servers, so it may seem that it is not common for an average user to use this programming interface. However, as some applications use the winhttp.dll library, errors may occur if this file is missing.

Winhttp.dll is a very important library for the functioning of the WinHTTP and WinINet application. Unlike WinHTTP, WinINet is often used by various programs with which the average user interacts. For this reason, it is relatively common to get the error "Winhttp.dll was not found on Windows".

How to fix winhttp.dll was not found error on Windows

The error in the winhttp.dll file can be repaired as well as the error in the Ntdll.dll file can be easily repaired; In fact, to find a solution to this annoying problem, all you have to do is read the following guide carefully.

How to fix winhttp.dll was not found error on Windows

The winhttp.dll library is part of the Windows operating system. When this file is missing, the above problem occurs. Therefore, it is necessary consider some aspects to know the reason for this error and the possible solutions that exist.


Unlike complications like d3dx9_26.dll missing error for running games which can be easily fixed, the missing winhttp.dll file can be due to a variety of reasons, one of the most possible being the appearance of malicious software.

Indeed, a virus is capable of delete this vital file from the system, causing instability with a large number of programs. Having said that, you will need to take some precautions that might help us fix the problem with this missing file.

Protect your computer with good antivirus software

The first thing to do is to realize that you can protect your computer with antivirus software, if not, you should follow this step. After the above, you can perform a thorough scan of the entire system, so that you can check that it does not contain any harmful viruses that affect the performance of your computer.

If you already have an antivirus installed, check the tape of viruses in this software, as it is relatively common for security software detect winhttp.dll file as malicious (erroneously). If so, restore the file, after which the problem should disappear.

Download the specific library

A simple solution is to download the winhttp.dll file. For this, we can access a page that provides DLL libraries come Dll Files

Go to the Dll Files website, where you will find the winhttp.dll file. Once on the page, select the appropriate version for your operating system, that is: Architecture 32 for sistemi a 32 bit and Architecture 64 for sistemi a 64 bit, to start the download press the “Download” button.

How to fix winhttp.dll was not found error on Windows

You will get a compressed file in Zip format, which you can open with any of the programs to open ZIP compressed files. After downloading the files, put them in their original folder. In the case of the 32-bit file, it is located in System32, while the 64-bit file is located in the SysWOW64 folder, both are located in C: Windows.

Optimize your computer to fix winhttp.dll not found error Windows

Some problems like the one mentioned above stem from poor team management. The truth is that i computers require constant care, so using certain tools can be helpful.

Actions such as cleaning and speeding up your PC or installing antivirus software directly could be very effective in preventing this type of problem from happening again. That said, we recommend that you always be aware of the optimization options for your computer.

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